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Eve Dance 
Code of Conduct 

for members of our dance


Eve Dance aims to be inclusive, welcoming, down to earth, approachable and supportive of students' individual goals in dancing.


It's in our motto "EVEryone can learn to Dance"


Our Code of conduct to ensure we meet our studios values and to create a safe and friendly environment in line with the Child and Young people standards in Victoria and Dancesport Australia rules.


  • To make everyone feel welcomed and safe into our dance community regardless of ethnicity, age,religion, sex, orientation, or ability.


  • To respect everyone’s dancing abilities, we acknowledge that everyone learns differently. Feedback should only be given by teachers, during class time and private lessons.


  • To be supportive of everyone's own goals


  • .Consent for Dancing: Always seek permission before dancing or with any student or staff member, especially Children and Young People. Use respectful language, such as “May I dance with you?”


  • Voluntary Participation: Do not compel any child or adult to participate in classes if they are unwilling.


  • Health and Safety: Do not force any participant to dance if they are injured or feeling unwell.


  • Not bullying or harassment of any form will be tolerated.


  • Adherence to Standards: All students and visitors must adhere to the 11 Child and Young People Standards and the DanceSports Code of Conduct.


  • Supervision: Children must be supervised at all times by their parents, guardians, or caregivers, and teachers including guest teachers must hold a current WWCC. 


  • If parents, guardians, or caregivers need to step out and their child has finished their class, the child must be supervised by the teacher and other responsible adult with a current WWCC  until the parents, guardians, or caregivers return to collect them.


  • Private Lessons with Child or Young Person:No Child or Young Person should be alone during private lessons. There must be two responsible adults with Working With Children Checks (WWCC), including parents, guardians, or caregivers, teacher, present during private lessons or classes.


  • For your safety and in accordance with venue rules, if you have private lessons, please do not arrive more than 15 minutes before your scheduled time, unless you are already inside the venue and a lesson is taking place prior to yours 


  • When attending External dance schools and events where your teachers or fellow students are present, please ensure to: Be Respectful and Courteous Respect Class Boundaries by following their rules Refrain from requesting your EVE Dance teacher to provide instruction

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